Not So Much of a Wrap Up. More Like an Update.

This is my February Wrap Up. This is where I usually would tell you what I read for that particular month, what I thought of it, what I'm currently reading, and what I plan to read the following month. Being that I read a total of zero books, this post is pointless, but I thought I would update you on what's been going on anyway.
In February I've been reading Outlander and only Outlander. I tried picking up another book in between, but Outlander is one of those books where I could only read two or three chapters in one sitting. I felt like there were so many words that I could only take a few chapters at a time, and that I didn't want to read another word for a while. 
I'm not going to pick another book from my TBR jar until I read the one I picked last month (The Wrath and the Dawn). I'm hoping that this doesn't send me into a reading slump. 

Other Stuff

Aside from reading Outlander the only thing I've been doing is working, and watching Netflix. I feel like I should just do a post on what I've been watching. I usually throw that in with "The Other Stuff" posts I do, but the last one I did was dedicated pretty much to a show that I had been watching on Netflix.

The Blog

As for the blog, if I'm not reading then there isn't really much to post. I have a few bookish food posts that I'm working on typing up, and those should be going up in the next couple of weeks. I've also been thinking about tweaking the blog a bit. My main focus has been books, and most likely continue to be, but I don't want it to be only about that. I know that I also post about other things once in a while, but I'd like to make it happen more which then leads me to the blog title. I've been thinking about changing it, so it doesn't seem like the blog is solely about books. This probably won't happen any time soon, but it's something to think about.

Anyways, that seems to be it for now. I'll keep you posted on how the reading goes this month, or if there is any reading going on at all.

Currently Reading
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

March TBR
Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
The Wrath and the Dawn by Renne Ahdieh
Truthwitch by Susan Dennard

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