The Wrap Up I Almost Forgot To Post

Basically what the title says. As you may notice by taking a glance below, I read one short e-book in the month of October, and then read nothing at all in November because of a little thing called NaNoWriMo also known as National Novel Writing Month where writers think it's completely normal to attempt to write 50,000 words in a single month. In December I began to freak out because of the beautiful Goodreads challenge. To say the least I completely and utterly failed that and have since then changed my outlook on what it means to me. But seriously...I read almost nothing in three months, but here's my wrap up anyways.

October 2016

Zenith: The Androma Saga Part 1 by Sasha Alsberg & Lindsay Cummings
This is sort of a weird book to review, because what I read wasn't the actual complete story. This was initially set up to be the first part of a six (I might be wrong on the total amount) part series of e-books that would make up the story The Androma Saga. It was going to be self published, but after hitting the #1 New York Times Bestseller list for Young Adult E-Books it was picked up by Harlequin Teen where the entire story will be published. 
This first part sets up the characters and where they are on their journey, but never really takes off. (Bad pun not intended.) I can see how they had planned to continue the story, but had they continued releasing it in parts I don't know if I would have picked up the next one. I did find the characters interesting. The group and their friendships reminded me of Rat Queens. Now that it's going to be released in its entirety I'll most likely be picking it up in August. 3/5

December 2016

An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir
It took me a while to get through this mostly because I found it hard to get through Elias' chapters. I just didn't care about his storyline and what ultimately happened to him. Laia was the one character that I found myself more attached to. The world and world building,inspired by ancient Rome, was interesting and my favorite part of this story. 4/5

Holidays on Ice by David Sedaris
This is a collection of short essays related to Christmas and the holidays (like the title suggests). I'm pretty sure this book is out of print, at least that's what the sticker on the book said when I bought it. My biggest problem with this book was that the stories were not all equally as good. David Sedaris is quirky and funny, but there were a couple of pieces that didn't seem to go with the others. 4/5

Looking for Alibrandi by Melina Marchetta
I got this book on BookOutlet because of Liana's Reviews, an Australian booktuber. I loved this book. I had never heard about it before, and didn't know there was even a movie. It's a coming of age story featuring Josephine Alibrandi in her last year at her Catholic high school. I'm glad I hadn't heard about it before, because I went in with no expectations and was definitely surprised by how much I enjoyed. It's a bit like an older, more serious version of the Georgia Nicolson books. 5/5

Jonesy, Vol. One by Sam Humphries, Caitlin Rose Boyle
I have a review of this which you can read here. This is a cute and colorful comic about a girl named Jonesy who has somehow received the ability to make people fall in love except with herself. It's a fun and diverse read that you should definitely pick up. 5/5

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