The NaNoWriMo tag was created by Kirstina Horner on YouTube!
1. How many times have you done NaNoWriMo?
I have done NaNoWriMo twice before, so this will be my third year participating.
2. How did you first find out about NaNoWriMo?
I heard about it through the BookTube community. I can't remember exactly which video it was, but I'm pretty sure it was one of Kat's videos (Katytastic). She seems to be one of the first people on BookTube or YouTube to make videos about it.
3. What was the name of the first novel you attempted with NaNo?
I never ended up giving it a name, because I never finished it. Sad.
4. Give a one sentence summary of what you're writing this year.
Early 1900's abandoned hotel discovered by a girl who wasn't supposed to find it.
5. What's the best writing advice you've ever been given?
I don't know what the best writing advice I've ever gotten is, but one good piece of advice I got from a professor one time was to try to step away from whatever it was we were writing for some time and then go back to it. Sometimes we get so caught up in the writing that it's good to take a break, and come back with a fresh perspective.
6. Did you ever take a year off from NaNo? Why?
No, but I did try Camp NaNo one time, and I haven't tried it again.
7. What's your biggest inspiration when figuring out what to write?
Listening to music. I used to do this thing when I was younger where I would listen to a song, close my eyes and visualize a music video for it. I guess you could say I kind of still do the same thing. Music videos sometimes have story arcs in them.
8. The first sentence from one of your novels.
one should be up at this time except for those people who need to be somewhere." I don't like it. This is from my NaNoWriMo story from last year, which is basically my only completed novel so I didn't have much of a choice. I've never gone back and revised it, so it's just stayed that way.
I love writing, because I get to create stories and characters of my own. I get to go to these places that I make up, and become other people who are completely different from me.

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