I haven't been updating all that much recently, because I've been recovering from getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled on Tuesday. The actual procedure went pretty well, it's just been the recovery part that's been painful and annoying. My face is still slightly swollen and it hurts a bit, so I'm taking it easy. I tried reading a book the day after, but I honestly couldn't focus so I put it down.

This weekend I'm going to attempt to pick up a few graphic novels that have been sitting on my shelf. Then hopefully if I'm feeling better I'll finish The Raven Boys and Six of Crows. I don't really plan on reading many holiday/Christmas books this month. I don't have any on my shelf and I can't think of any that I really want to read, so most likely I'll be sticking to some the fantasies that I have on my shelf already (kind of want to read Falling Kingdoms).

What are you all reading this weekend or what are you currently reading?

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