Bout of Books 12: Day 6

Bout of Books

I won the challenge from Day 5! That was pretty awesome. As for Day 6, I read 110 pages of Losing Hope by Colleen Hoover, and there's only one more day left in the read-a-thon. I want to finish reading Losing Hope on Day 7, so that will probably be my last book of the read-a-thon.

Day 6

Books completed: 0
Number of pages read:


Books completed: 4
Total number of pages read:1,263


The Day 6 challenge was to share an image of a quote from our current Bout of Books read. This challenge was hosted by Gone with the Words.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks! I had just started reading it so I didn't have much to choose from.

  2. Copngrats on winning a challenge! Good luck reading today, I hope you have fun and can get your book done!

    1. Thank you! I don't have much planned for today so I should be able to.
